Thursday, July 7, 2011

The story of us

The first time he saw me, it was my second day on Furman's campus, and I had lugged my giant, heavy desktop computer across campus to IT. I was sweaty and flustered, but he remembers me as cute and with painted toenails.

The first time I met him, I thought he was aloof and disinterested :). Only later did I find the spontaneous, fun, hilarious, thoughtful, and spiritual dimensions of this intriguing boy.

We became fast friends while preparing for a Winter Term foreign study, and by the time January rolled around for our departure date, my best friend Ashley called it. She told me, "I think Tucker likes you." "No way, " I said.

On foreign study, we both experienced Europe for the first time, the romantic cobbled streets, the street musicians cranking up "Amore" or "La Vie en Rose" when you walk by, the beautiful, intoxicating culture of places and people with such long, storied histories. By the time we reached Riga, Latvia, I realized I was falling for this boy. I always secretly hoped he would sit by me on our long bus trips throughout Eastern Europe, because our conversations inevitably led to discussions of God, theology, family, and the anticipated challenges of life after college. I had never met anyone like him.

In Bolshevik Square, St Petersburg, Russia
In Sweden one morning, I was eating my cereal when he plopped down across from me, asking "Can I join you?" "Sure, " I said, and then nearly choked when I looked up. I suddenly envisioned sharing all my breakfasts with this boy, and it was a novel revelation for me. I had never before met anyone who I could see myself marrying.

He was simple, to the point, and needed no nonsense, but I was anxious, invested, and fearful of how hard I was falling. So we talked. A LOT. And we finally had our first date in Florence, Italy. Later, in Paris, he slipped me a note at dinner that said "Will you have dinner with me in London: Check Yes or No." Cheesy? Yes. Effective? Oh yes. I still have the note.

In the Roman Coliseum 
After foreign study, everyone said we were doomed since we had started our relationship in the most unrealistic, surreally romantic setting ever. And despite me trying to break up with him 3 times over the course of that year, he fought for me. He was patient with me. He prayed with me and for me. The February of 2006, before I left for foreign study in France, I wrote this in my journal, "Dear Lord, I know that I love Tucker. I want to spend the rest of my life with him." I even found some doodles from my class notes while in France where I had scribbled "Erika Mosteller" and then furtively scratched it out so no one saw.

We were engaged November 5, 2006, and we married July 7, 2007. I can honestly and legitimately say that there has never been a day of regret in my life. Hard days? Yes. Days with lots of prayers for patience and the ability to hold my sharp tongue? Yes. But mostly, the days are full of gracious thanks that the Lord sent me a husband beyond my wildest dreams.

Our engagement at Chimney Rock, November 5 2006
Our wedding day, July 7, 2007. We look so young!

Here's to four years of being married to my best friend, the man who makes me laugh harder than anyone else, who holds me when I cry, who encourages me in my faith, who is my helper in all things, and who clearly loves me so deeply. When we married, I thought there was no possible way I could love him anymore. My heart was so full. I was wrong. (Cue cheesy Brad Paisley song "I thought I loved her then.") Just when I think I can't love him more, my love deepens even further.

I hope we have at least 50 more years of remembering our story and celebrating God's gift of marriage. What a blessing and incredible journey it's been so far. I can't wait to see what happens next.

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