The highlight of Evans' post, for me:
"Seeking God’s presence means recognizing that while God might inhabit a certain sphere, He is not contained to it. Though he may be found in pots and pans and communion wafers and poetry, He also transcends them. What works for a housewife in North Georgia might not work for a widow in Sub-Saharan Africa. How God is glorified in a single Lutheran girl from New York City might look a little different than how God is glorified in sprawling Catholic family in Mexico.
When I categorically dismiss another woman’s lifestyle as irrelevant or unworthy in order to elevate my own, I am, in effect, placing limits on God. I am imitating Martha, who was so scandalized by Mary’s absence from the kitchen that she failed to see that her sister was reveling in the presence of a Savior.
Some of my favorite lines of poetry come from Elizabeth Barrett Browning and go like this:
Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees takes off his shoes
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.
God’s presence is everywhere.
Faith isn’t about finding the right bush; it’s about taking off your shoes."
And now for the awesome picture. Please don't think I'm judging anyone with this one, I just found it pretty much HILARIOUS. I think I might start telling Tucker that I just can't make dinner tonight since my dreams and goals are distracting me :)
love it Erika. I had that picture as my facebook picture and my mom got mad at me hahaha. but there's a lot of truth there... thanks for sharing!