Earlier today, while spending time with Tucker's family, my father-in-law remarked that he had read a challenge this week from D.L. Moody to write a "Resolution of Thanksgiving." I didn't quite understand what he meant by this "resolution," but after Randy read his own resolution, the concept became clear. Moody, in his own words, decided
We often set apart seasons and have meetings for prayer; I think it would be well for us to have special seasons also for thanksgiving, to praise God for what he is doing in our midst. Let those who have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy speak not of themselves, but of what God has done for them.
Randy challenged his family to each write their own Resolution of Thanksgiving, so I decided to put pen to paper (so to speak) and ponder my own gratitude to God. How often to I truly thank God for my blessings? How often does my own attitude alter depending on my circumstances? What's the frequency of my "I wish" thoughts? So, while contemplating these things, I developed my resolution of thanksgiving.
"I, Erika Mosteller, make this resolution of thanksgiving to meditate on the blessings of God.
I recognize that my job or my husband's job may not always pay what I desire or think is fair, that it may not be the job I or my husband wish to have, that it may not allow me to do what I'm passionate about. The progression of my life may not move at the pace I desire, meaning I might not have children, a house, vacations, "nice" cars, or retirement when I plan to do so. I may not always have good health, nor may my family members. My future children may not make good decisions, nor might my husband and I. I may not be financially secure. I may lose friends. I may dislike my country's political climate and situation. I may have aches, pains, or injuries. I may gain weight. I may feel frustrated that I can't purchase what I want when I want to do so. I may dislike certain aspects of my church. I may never continue my education in an official capacity. I may no longer be able to travel widely. Ultimately, I may not live the life I expected or planned.
But I hereby resolve to be thankful. I'm thankful for two families that love and support me. I'm thankful for a husband who loves me more and better than I could have imagined. I'm thankful that regardless of our employment situation in the last 4 1/2 years of marriage, God has provided for us financially, even when we only had $8 in our bank account at one point. I'm thankful that I have access to food, vitamins, water, sanitation, health-care, education, transportation, employment, banks, physical security, freedom of worship, and low-censored press. I'm thankful that my children will also have access to many of these things. Most of all, I'm thankful that I'm saved by Grace, that God is sovereign and present in my daily life, that God provides means of grace to give me strength, and that God loves me abundantly. I'm thankful that regardless of life's circumstances, I can relish in the promises of God's faithfulness to me, even when I fail to in fact be thankful."